渔舟唱晚 Boats

2013-07-25 11:11 阅读(?)评论(0)
钟声山上响镜玄 照与对照终于也归航镜玄 照与对照美景匆匆散镜玄 照与对照清风晚转凉




2012-09-09 | 北京天王 Beijing Kings

2012-05-20 | 国粹 Beijing Opera

2012-01-24 | 小红灯笼高高挂 Persimmon means Good Luck

2011-08-25 | 潇湘馆里叹潇湘 Bamboo Sigh
2011-03-03 | 青龙桥站又一春 Tsing Lung Bridge Railway Station
2010-12-16 | 冰河 Glacial
2010-08-31 | 点 线 面 Composition
2010-05-05 | 北京大学 Peking University
2010-03-25 | 潭柘寺财神 Toilsome Mammon
2010-01-14 | 北风那个吹 Snowflake
2009-12-08 | 冰冻的阳光 Iced Sunlight
2009-11-04 | T3 的线条 Lines of T3
2009-10-05 | 芙蓉树下七星石 the Seven Star Stone
2009-08-13 | 镜玄 Profound
2009-07-07 | 水木清华朱自清 Proser
2009-06-05 | 拉伸 水立方 Water Cube
2009-05-06 | 老舍不老 四世同堂 Four Generations under One Roof
2009-03-30 | 窗外有窗 Glass
2009-03-12 | 万缕春光 Pavilion of 10000 Spring
2009-01-14 | 前门 疏朗的冬天 Qianmen Smiling Winter
2008-12-31 | 希望 Good Wish
2008-12-23 | 子非鱼 安知鱼之乐 Knowing-Fish-Bridge
2008-12-11 | 零星小雪 Sporadic Snow
2008-12-01 | 迎亲 Wedding
2008-11-21 | 铺首 Knocker-Holder
2008-11-11 | 丹柿小院柿未丹 the Former Residence of Laoshe
2008-10-30 | 红叶传奇在香山 Red Leaf of Fragrant Hill
2008-10-20 | 宝黛钗 Love and Sad
2008-10-10 | 秋枫 秋风 Maple Leaf Go with Autumn Wind

2008-09-30 | 正午 秋高 Autumnal Noon,Beijing
2008-09-18 | 万源夹道 Wanyuan Narrow Lane
2008-09-08 | 静心竹林 Quiet Heart
2008-08-29 | 彩色圣经 Colorful Bible
2008-08-19 | 佛香阁外尽余晖 Longevity Hill, Kunming Lake
2008-08-07 | 情路 Love-Giraffe
2008-07-28 | 花街 Footpath
2008-07-18 | 天下第一丛林 White Cloud Taoist Temple
2008-07-08 | 胡同深处的往事 the Past
2008-06-26 | 荡漾 Clear Ripples
2008-06-16 | 华丽的忧伤 Gorgeous Desolation
2008-06-03 | 地铁 东直门站 Dongzhimen Subway Station
2008-05-22 | 流芳 Autumn Water
2008-05-12 | 震前震后 Before and After Earthquake
2008-05-02 | 春到金山岭 Jinshanling Section Great Wall
2008-04-22 | 天桥下 Under the Overpass
2008-04-10 | 澄瑞与浮碧 Pure Felicity and Floating Green
2008-03-31 | 宝云阁 Pavilion of Precious Clouds
2008-03-21 | 门框胡同 Doorframe Lane
2008-03-07 | 两会 Guarder
2008-02-26 | 门 Glass Door
2008-02-06 | 喜洋洋 Filled with Gayety
2008-02-04 | 立春 Spring Begins
2008-01-25 | 冷雪 Cold
2008-01-15 | 祈年殿 天人之间 the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests
2007-12-24 | 南堂 Southern Church
2007-12-18 | 夜读红楼 a Dream of Red Mansions
2007-12-04 | 载舟覆舟 Marble Boat
2007-11-20 | 宜芸微雨 the Hall of Pleasing Rue
2007-11-08 | 石阶 Stone Step
2007-10-23 | 前门 不设防 Qianmen in the Air
2007-10-11 | 狐狸的故事 Fox
2007-10-01 | 毛主席 Chairman Mao
2007-09-21 | 纪昀阅微 the Former Residence of Jixiaolan
2007-08-28 | 故宫大修 the Forbidden City is Overhauling
2007-08-08 | 冰释 金水河 the Inner Golden Water River
2007-07-25 | 午门 Meridian Gate
2007-07-09 | 陶然亭 乐陶然 the Taoran Pavilion Park
2007-06-25 | 夕照 德胜门 Afterglow, Deshengmen
2007-06-11 | 北海 春风吹过的瞬间 Spring of the Peihai Park
2007-05-06 | 门里门外 Indoor Outdoor
2007-05-02 | 红颜也好 红粉也罢 Beauty in Life
2007-04-28 | 窗棂间 the Story among the Windows
2007-04-24 | 琉璃厂 文化味道 Liulichang Culture Street
2007-04-06 | 琼岛春荫 Spring Shade over Qiongdao Islet
2007-03-27 | 地地道道一锅香 Snack
2007-02-25 | 小吃我要大大吃 the Snack of Temple Fair
2007-02-17 | 长安夜 New Year's Eve of Chang'an Avenue
2006-12-22 | 冬至二环 Midwinter, the Second Ring Road
2006-12-12 | 大栅栏 市井味道 Dazhalan Walking Street
2006-12-08 | 粮十旅馆 Liangshi Inn
2006-12-07 | 花 沙尘里怒放 Flowers
2006-10-17 | 橱窗 Shopwindow
2006-09-30 | 红叶以外 Badachu Park
2006-09-29 | 红叶 看在眼里拔不出来 Red Leaf
2006-09-18 | 第一次喝豆汁和碰上绝飒 the Unusual Flavor of Douzhier


镜玄 杂谈——形散神不散 思想空间

恶心或者仅仅是油腻 Gross or Grease

术的境界 Bad Copy is Better than Lost Copy

成长 Grow up

  最后修改于 2013-08-16 15:04    阅读(?)评论(0)
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